We love cardigans for fall but hey, to really keep us toasty we are going to teach you how to knit a placket for buttonholes, so you can close your jacket with buttons. This way you can customize it to make it even more special.

For this tutorial we used a skein of our Petit Wool and a pair of size 8 knitting needles.
These are the stitches you will need to know how to do to follow along this step-by-step tutorial:
Let’s get started!

For our sample we cast on 16 stitches, but you can cast on as many as you need.
Depending on the pattern of your cardigan, the placket where the buttonholes go will be knitted at the same time as the front piece, or you will knit the piece and then pick-up stitches along the front to knit the buttonhole placket. In both cases the steps that we describe below are the same and you can adapt them to whatever method is called for.

Row 1: *knit 1, purl 1 *. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

Row 2: work 2 stitches as they appear, yarn over, purl 2, work 3 stitches as they appear, yarn over, knit 2 together, work 3 stitches as they appear, yarn over, purl 2 together, work 2 stitches as they appear.

Row 3: *knit 1, purl 1 *. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

Row 4: work all stitches as they appear. Then bind off all stitches.
And just like that you can add buttonholes to your cardigan 🙂
As always, we hope this post was very useful and that you try to add buttonhole to your cardigans. We’d love for you to use the hashtag #weareknitters on social media to show us your latest projects 🙂